O Turk tremble and turned himself! Drop Arab religion. Return to Ancestors,You'll see the Turkish rearing up !!!
Universe's first monotheistic religion: Shamanism
Considered output source of all religions Shamanism 's origin dates back to the second millennium BC to 50 years. Nature worship, domineering nature (sun, storm, wind, rain) is a faith-based form of worship of power. Turks samanszm the first religious; arranged downstream of the center is known as the Central and North Asia. Far East, North and South America is a continent Avusturalyası even until this belief which is spread over a wide geographical area. Those who believed in Shamanism in this religious world geography Although small differences also apply a format similar.
Shamanism beliefs of Buddhism, Christianity, Lamaism, Islam. etc. even in its own form of religion still exists fusing these religions. The starting point of the basis of religious tradition in many religions is the fact that shamanism.
Shamanism in God (Tengri) is worshiped by one and only factor. There is no other god may be alternative or competing with it. He is single, not birth and not death. In this regard, the Turks faith in God, belief systems are unique in the prehistoric period.
Turks and acknowledge that God is in the sky. If we assess that the sky is actually everywhere. God is not in the world and watch him create the world. Before God created man, he created the spirits of serving and fulfilling the commandments, then created the world. The Earth has been occurring later the residence of the man and the creatures.
Shamanism is essentially the prophets, the caliphs, his companions, his coach, there is no god as a tool in people between the imams.
Prayer, fasting, prayer, such as non-obligatory pilgrimage Shamanism is not the need for a tool or worship leader. Praying the main worship and sacrifices that are not accompanied by a clergyman for the actions of individual people.
Shamans (Kam), the people who worship, pray to or are not involved sacrifice to the island. Therefore divine authority or by the society does not have a modal holiness.
Kam before it is used as pronounced, it has been used as a shaman as the 8th century.
Cams, seem to have no worldly cleric, because of their actions. They are defined as a religious aspects of this phenomenon is considered as the basic religious motifs of the Turkish people. Cam miserable and having a generally unkempt appearance, people are respected by the Turkish Cypriot community.
Shamanism Worship:
Shamanism belief in prayer is obligatory in Islam, disable, fasting, pilgrimage, giving alms as a standard, what it is not encountered the unknown worship rituals. Asian Turks, Tengri has accepted the presence of only a single creative and to be worshiped. Tengri in Shamanism; It is believed that much of mankind to interfere with the lives and experiences. Tengri, serving the community, the education community, the province and provide the contribution of science, showing bravery and good power to those people, who reign and securities.
Shamanism belief in goodness and evil that people do not only evaluated in this world. After the death penalty and reward world of human life for the will granted, life after death is seen as a world can be won.
In Orkun inscriptions are found some information on the foundation of the Turkish belief in God. Tonyukuk eternal moved many times mentioned in Tengri, more 'national' nature carries a god. Gok Turks to establish a China freed from captivity second Göktürk State (680-682) is considered to have taken place by the will of God. Hakan has given God the Turks, but was punished by the ruler obtain leave of God. So in case of a supreme being, God is interested in the life and future of the Turkish nation.
God is directly involved in the Turkish life, it gives commandments, and punish those who will not bow to back the fortune of not knowing the power and value of donations to the people. Sun rise and plants that make up the 'Great is God.
God, the Creator and is the kill.
All of these beliefs, the Sky God; unique, guiding people, ruling them an asset to punish and reward.
Shamanism is the belief that there was no mandatory routine and made a prayer. It is sufficient to reach God, educated, fair, to be good people and heroes. In addition to the goodness and power of God to pray to give. Sacrifice to God in prayer is not accepted was dedicated. Khan, Commander and pray to God before the start of the war and the soldiers they hope success. Sacrifice to God on the island before the war or after the mare, cattle and sheep.
Got to sacrifice; Shamanism also vow Hidirellez (May 5) and carried out in two ways. The first animal to be distributed to needy cut of offerings, organizations or foundations of the (child welfare, darulsafak to, ..) are given. dedicated to dedicated to the victims and their families certainly can not eat. The second was held in the form of the release of the animal protection field under the protection of animal sacrifice. Dedicated to documenting the needs of the poor can receive animals. The type of animal (except pork) and the amount devoted belong to anyone.
Shamanism at Halloween; Hidirellez; From the earliest times of Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Iran, the Balkans and eastern Mediterranean countries even all seen the arrival of spring or summer that there was a certain joy with neutral cycles. Despite many holidays in Turku Central Asia to be our feast today: Hıdırellez Bajrami is the most appropriate regional and local leaders must be accompanied by celebrated. Central Asia with Turkey's culture and beliefs Hidirellez gunduz bass and night time (5/6 May) is celebrated to continue.
Belief in the Hereafter Shamanism
Turkey in the cosmological conception can be divided into three. Location, Sky and Underground. Sky, the creative is located eternity, the world allowed the creation of mankind and the living place, where the Underground punishment of evil spirits, bad world is in flames and darkness. People living after the birth of Shamanism
People; God passes by obeying the rules of worship, and obey the commandments of God, and when they die they will fly to the expenses that a good God in heaven to be rewarded as the man to the floor. If God is not satisfied with the place from which the evil spirit from him sent him to Erlik under seven floors. It is seen that after death there is life Shamanism faith and good people to heaven with so called today to fly to rewarded, while bad people into the dark realm of the evil spirit of Satan sent Erlik that are sent to hell.(Erlik: hell)
A person who is highly respected in society, Kagan, soldiers or statesmen are buried in the mausoleum we define as Kurgan. When resurrected help to serve him, those who put Kurgan horses and weapons and buried along with the deceased person.
Deceased person is carried out in a more modest way than if an ordinary soldier or public burial ceremonies. It is put into the tent where the deceased lived and sprinkled on the body by burning valuables. Food was distributed to the participants of the ceremony is served. This was repeated several times in the days refreshments determined after death. The deceased person's closest relatives wailed and networks around the dead provides the mixing of blood with wounds to the face and cry out their pain by tears.
The cultural habits of Turks in today's funeral lament, wail and moan and cry is seen in action. Halva distributed after the funeral, the deceased 7th and 40th days of commemoration are distributed candy and continued today as a relic of these cultural habits.
Another feature of the Turkish Sky-God belief system outside of the ancestors are cult. Respect for dead ancestors, they were cut to the victim, it is considered a sign of patriarchal domination family father. Hunan offered sacrifices to the ancestors are known in mid-May of each year. The biggest sacrifice among the ancient Turks, Turks sacred animal horse moorland. Especially those mounds in the Altai several horse skeletons have been found in the old Turkish area.
Turks gums were old men with guns and valuables dead. chieftain buried with gold and silver are saddled horses. women were embed with the ornaments and jewelry. The reason for this, the Turks, the other of the existence of a second life in the world and the spirit were believed to have lived forever.
Horse Culture in Shamanism
Asian Turks, were fed a great respect for ancestors. turkler saying the names of their ancestors in this respect God's blessing as a sign of strength and power that they wanted to grant them. Respectable people visited the graves of the dead, and he respected the spirit of the deceased. Although this may seem as a religious ritual in question would not worship the ancestors.
Turks, they show great respect for their ancestors and were respected by the society to visit the grave as a sign of the power given to the person who died praying to God, they would request you to give them strength and dignity as well. They hope to be accepted by God the sacrifice of prayer in the realization of these demands island. Sacrifice; Turks are not on the deceased, the deceased had to be given power then given them too.
1. worship, shamanism
God; worshiped is one and only factor. There is no other god may be alternative or competing with it. Got is single and immortal.
* 1-God; only creator, protector and worship will be the only capital assets.
* 2-God, to serve the community, the education of the people, capable of contemporary law, provincial and robust contribution to science, the history, culture and exiting the Configure protect people with art.
* 3- secular, democratic and fair law is essential to understanding. Women and men are equal in every field life. .
* 4-Every living (human, animal, plant) has the right to life persecution, torture and murder certainly do not.
* 5-man in the native language, in place of want, in the way they wish, wish to have the freedom to worship time. prophet to worship, caliphs, imams, sheikhs will not need a vehicle as a teacher. Worship is no call to call on the arabic and worship such as prayer time
* 6-prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, prayer is not obligatory like giving alms. God has no place of pilgrimage, which is the home of necessity. There is also sacred places outside of their own lives.
1-God; capital assets and the only one to be worshiped is creative and immortal. Humans; life and life does not interfere too much. God; people can be trained, we can think and live as capable of producing.
As is known, the Arabs tried hard to be Genghis Khan's Muslims. If Genghis Khan Muslim Central Asian Muslims would be soon. Therefore Genghis Khan in his tent by going to invite Arabs to Islam through a speech as follows:
Genghis Khan, we've come to invite you to Islam
** - what is a Muslim?
-Dear Our religion which was delivered to all people through the prophet Muhammad.
** What is a prophet?
- It is the representative of God's earth.
** Could be. Here is the representative of God in me.
- But not you download a book. It downloaded Qur'an to our Prophet.
*** Summarize what it says in your book?
Arabs sure readers. Genghis Khan, or the Turkish translation of the verse - "Say: He is Allah, is one. God, it is not in need of anything. Everything is dependent on him. He has not given birth and was not born. And not one is comparable to anything."
On top of that Genghis Khan throws a laugh and says:
*** Genghis Khan says; You learn the existence of a new god? We know and we'll apply for a thousand years. Here you can go! Source: f.sarıka to
Turkish God, has been worshiped one and only factor. There is no other god may be alternative or competing with it. He is single, and is immortal. In this regard, the Turks faith in God, belief systems are unique in the prehistoric period. Because outside of any civilization outside of Turkey Hakan Monotheistic Religion is not a belief.
Turks and acknowledge that God is in the sky. God is everywhere. Because God is not in the world and watch him create the world. One serving it before creating the spirit of the people and create fulfilling the commandments. Then he created the world in seven times and has created the heavens and the earth. The world has been the abode of the occurred later people.
God in Shamanism: those people has created together with other creatures., God; all living beings can think, act and carry out maintenance on the life of the cell, the gene has given.And be able to adapt to environmental thinking it has given on the mind. human ; brain cells to skeletal muscle system and other organs had been provided with genetically adapt quickly to the world living conditions. Human; especially in the brain is very good education by improving living beings to superiority provided. Of course people have mentioned is the big advantage of this feature God
Islam is the religion of the Qur'an according to the book of Allah humanitarian; animals, plants and other living things They've got along with. God; There is believed that on the humanitarian grateful to hear him, only wanted to pay tribute to him as their lord and services. God; the education of the human brain, the thinking, the production is not mean to him to develop. In one verse of the Qur'an humanitarian academic level involving the trained, there is not even a single word.
Shamanism is in God; As before, the training itself been created by the existence of humanitarian reasons, it is up to the facilitators wanted to think. God; Right to the life of living on the production is in better condition and he wanted to be the law of urea. And God never been had the right to life of human intervention.
2-God, society serving, the people the education and effectively contemporary law, provincial and science in times of robust, the history, culture and the exits with art, traditions and social life of the institutionalized, honest, respectful, nationalist, Configure protect assets that people are showing bravery.
a- In ancient Shamans have examined our religion; although the unconscious as a magician of the cam:
1-a type of knowledge so that doctors and patients they treat,
2-a bit of pharmacists as patients on the medication they are doing as they are known on the healer,
3-A Child and community education, such as teacher,
4- A historian they know and they live up to their next wedge transferring religion, traditions and customs they institutionalize,
5-Still Danistig quinine is considered to be a respected and honest character.
b- cam and leaders; strong, they have character and nationalist family, state and army are so strong and powerful states co-founded the society they came out with,
c hay they receive from God the power with the religious leaders because God gave to leaders and heroes securities and has preserved.
cam; send the spirit ol other world, are hunting hunt to eliminate misfortune and treat serious diseases are among the tasks.
cam; Special thanks to that capability is assumed that contact with supernatural forces him to look at the eye height or guardian of the tribe they belong.
Indeed, the myth that the emergence of the first cam, is believed to have relations with spirits, it was considered superior capabilities and find a different creation.
cam; nobody nature are usually intelligent and poet. Passing herself in intense ecstasy during the ritual skies and strange beings are seen in the underworld of strange events they describe in detail, a cam sky is dominated by evil spirits beneath the ground in good spirits and is believed to relate to them.
In all the Muslim countries reader-writer ratio is lower in comparison to European countries. Except in reading and writing literacy rate is about much more behind. This caused the Muslim countries we look at the science, art, literature and so on. We see that very underdeveloped areas.
3-Shamanism, secular, democratic and fair law accepts the notion. The woman lives are equal in every field. Woman; management, in education, in science, in art, has equal rights and all life in the worship space.
There is a respectable position of women in Turkish society. In the first Turkish state established in the Central Asian men and women have equal rights. State administration was influenced wives beside the babe names of those rights. Women horses, rode arrow throws, ball play, they make heavy sports such as wrestling and participated in the war. Stay connected to the principle of monogamy in the community, the house was considered the common property of the spouses. Honor and was given a great importance to chastity.
Turkish women in Hunan; ride the horse throws arrows, and he did not participate in sports such as wrestling are even known to fight. women; They were well armed and trained to fight alongside men.
During periods of domination of Central Asia Hunan, the Hunan government, President (Hakan) and his wife (Babe) together they represent.
Hakan women are; They were talking with the Turkish state. Between the direction of government policy makers, who headship of state, who had ruled the state. Göktürk women are; 585 and 726 years in the adoption of Chinese ambassadors were present. There were separate palaces of the rights of women. and generally participate in state parliament, sometimes they would accept ambassadors.
Foreign diplomatic courier, Hans unacceptable if peace alone, but may be peace when both were introduced to the right and standing next to Khan and Sultan. Hakan women are; in war, in political meetings and social relations he was always located next to their husbands.
In both men and women religious meeting, held in the same place with the ritual, at the meeting, sitting according to age and position of women and men.
The men and women of such meetings, although it was not after the adoption of Islam.
As you might know over the cam; they can be both male and female. Shamanism, it shows that this is equal to that of men and women, the women also; in education, in the area of social life, home and community management has the same rights as men in the art
The woman in my Islam; In the home management and community management is completely thrown in the background. I'm the girl child education are completely prohibited. That the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and ISIS 'we see more clearly.
women; In art, the picture is not completely set up in the theater and the main view is great sin.
In 8th century Orkhon inscriptions are mentioned with respect to the Turkish woman. Women; The work has taken place in the social and political areas of Oguz princess. The arrival of the world to adopt a girl from an old Turkish family was not exactly unhappy event, as in other Arab. Many of these women gave birth to a daughter especially on the prayed to God.
Turkish family in marriage; He often performed with the exception of one family. Blessed be the marriage.
women; They participate in all activities in the open face. Family, as in ancient Germanic tribe, was based on a system similar to the type of family that shares the same responsibilities of women and men
The following information is given about the life in Central Asia China resources:
Hatanl women wear fur, they eg hair. Hakan and they sit together Babes in the ceremony. Greeting; Bend your knees as far as women were Men "
"Rug was made by women in Kucha. Kuchma carpets are the work of Turkish women "
"Kashgar women and men in public life have always been together"
* 4-every living (human, animal, plant) has the right to life persecution, torture and murder certainly do not.
Shamanism religion; Be respectful of women and the nature of war and even that has banned the killing of children. In fact, Shamanism, has made it necessary to be respectful to the living beings and equal treatment.
It was based on the belief that God is the supreme spirit of hay sky.
Turks; the sky father; God, mother earth; He called Self Realization.
Turks; big mountains, they believe in a strong spirit of the bases of the trees and the lake hosts and they were sometimes led prayers of those bodies. But the Turks; these bodies could not be regarded as gods.
It was just an indication of the presence of God on earth of these bodies.
they; The sky and the underworld "seven" times that were believed to exist in various spirits on every floor. People; spirits, they were respectful to nature and other people.
5-Shamanism, people want to (their) language, where the user wants, the way they wish, wish to have the freedom to worship time. . Prophet to worship, caliphs, imams, sheikhs will not need a vehicle as a teacher. The call to worship and prayer to call on when there is no such arabic prayer.
Shamanism, as in worship arabic islam, prayer, prayer is no such obligation. Imam, Caliph with the obligatory prayers on Fridays, and holidays are no Tarawih prayers.
Examined in the form of prayer; cannibal cage prior to the gods of the sun, moon, rocks, mountains, trees, prostrate and is shaped to take a position on the master works out like an animal. Everything is god, the creator; Would he want the people to prostrate really?
God of the shamanistic religion; scientific, logical and philosophical religion is independent in accordance with the will of the people, at the right time, in the proper place, and ordered to worship in their own language. people can think of others behind, disposal, must not worship the routing.
Humans; Among the gods, peygemb the caliph, imam, sheikh should be heard as a tool to requirements. Human; In accordance with the education and experience earned him must worship him in their thoughts and in accordance with the decision.
Islam religion; arabic muslims not understand the language, they worship without thinking.
In the straw religious people; The bulk belilenmis belilenmis a time in a place that is like Alevis gather in prayer outside ederler.topl of worship can be done anytime and anywhere to worship him.
In Shamanism; prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, prayer is not obligatory like giving alms. God was considered as the home of the mosque, there is no necessity to go to places such as the hajj. There is also sacred places out of the area takes own life.
Prayer; One does not namazdı pagan worship, is one of the ritual worship of the sun cults and is of Indian origin. They make the pre-Islamic Arabs in prayer. Today, Hindus also continue their prayer ritual. Sansktit of "Surya" Namaskarr the sun "means the salutation or link. Thus, "Surya Namaskarr the" solar connection 'means. Surya Namaskarr to; solar energy is flowing in the body of animation techniques. Muhammad's Arab pagan prayer is written in the Qur'an.
Muhammad in the Quran; Yapilacag will write the prayer in the mosque. There is a verse in the Quran that prayer to be made.
How to perform the prayer, how kılınacağ, when there is no verse that will be made.
Politicians; today people move freely in accordance with policy and may use them. Moreover, the rules quran applications made to come apart against God provided. Islam and muslims do not know who to blame in this respect, if you feel competent politicians in the name of religion?
Worship in the Zoroastrian holy book of prayers writes. A holy book written 1500 years before Muhammad. "The person before starting a Zoroastrian prayer; hands, feet and face washes, he wears a skullcap, or head scarf, and turning toward the sun; Asheim, age, pray for Kemna Mazda. This coincidence is exactly what prayer is 5 times a day! Noon from sunrise 12: prayer up to 40 air Gehr, the Rapithav the Geha between noon, 12:40 to 15:40, 15:40 to sunset until the prayer Ujir the Geha, sunsets from 24: prayer, which lasted until 40 Aiwisuthre My Gehan denirken 24 : 40 until the rising of the sun
fasting; One of the pagan worship of the sun with the cult of fasting. Prayer times for the fast as they were set by the time the sun set on the sun rise and sun set. It was observed, even at the beginning of Lent, such as the Moon in Islam. Just like today's Muslims, he even established observation delegation to see the moon. (Hayrullah Ors,
Moses and Judaism) had an interesting traditions of pre-Islamic Arab pagans.
They Ramadan that month a month fasting, Mecca pilgrimage go Kaaba around seven times returns, "the Black Stone '(Hajar) holy counts kisses him and four or five daily prayers (salat), they make the devil and throw stones. (God Is the Same God as the God of The Bible ?, MJ Afshari, p 6, 8-9, Islam, Beliefs And observances, Caesar E. Farah)
The pre-Islamic Arabs' was the most sacred temple of the Kaaba, the pagans and the peoples of the pilgrimage site of sudden. According to available evidence Kaaba; BC by the prophet Abraham is known that in 800 years. Kaba is also never considered sacred by Jews and Christians. Not even a single verse in the Torah and the Bible on the Kaaba proves it. After the Kaaba with BC 800 years became known as the house of God by pagans. (A Guide to the contents of the Qur'an, Faruq Sherif, Reading, 1995, pgs. 21-22., Muslim)
Pilgrimage; Morning Star in the pre-Islamic Arabs in ancient times; before dawn with a rush of people are known to have sacrificed a white camel. Also important to the idols of Nahla, son, daughters and they sacrificed prisoners of it has been claimed. In the recently abandoned human, animal sacrifice had passed.
Arabs; As they cut the idols were the special victims usually sacrificed to idols cut from rock planted on the hills Safa and Marwah. One of these rocks Isaf was put at other Naila. Isaf and Naila was killed two sweethearts and they defile the sanctity of the Kaaba, but then they sanctified. Arabs vow the island were idols. When wishes realized significant jobs cuts and sacrifices were long trips. Most of sacrifice was to be the first child of the boy.
Circumambulate seven times around the Kaaba, the pagans were doing. Bedouin from outside Quraish pagans used to do Tawaf naked. Put visits, riding and kiss Hajar moved to hand, back and forth between Safa and Marwa hills, it is the most important ritual of the stoning of the devil pilgrimage
Circumcision; Pagan tradition is an extension of the monotheistic religions. They also have pieces of the pre-Islamic pagan circumcision. Pagan Arabs had been circumcised for both women and men. Male circumcision for "Hit the" women for circumcision "hafd" They were using the word. Muhammad in the Hadith, the Sunnah of the caliphs and no mention of his companions indicates they were already circumcised in accordance with their pagan custom. Female circumcision not only in the pagan Arabs were present in ancient Egyptian. Found during archaeological excavations in Egypt determined that some circumcised female mummy, the rest of the year how female circumcision BC 1600s where the wall is depicted in detail in the picture.